...Education, Cultural Studies and Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Date: 21-22 March, 2025
Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences Debrecen Regional Committee
(4032 Debrecen, Thomas Mann street 49, Hungary)
We invite researchers, performers and teachers working in the field of music education, musicology and music performance to exchange professional ideas, to learn and discuss new research results.
The organisers of the conference welcome applications from colleagues who wish to present their theoretical and empirical work, research results and share their views on current issues in music education and music life.
For foreign applicants, we offer the possibility to present personaly or online.
The best papers from the presentations will be published in English in an indexed journal.
Deadline for registration and uploading of papers: 20 February, 2025
For online registration and further information, visit the following website: